The Eureka Principle

“Eureka is a exclamation that is used to indicate a moment of realization or enlightenment. It is often used to celebrate a discovery or breakthrough, especially in the context of scientific or intellectual exploration. The word "eureka" is derived from the Greek word "heúrēka," which means "I have found it." It is often associated with the story of Archimedes, a Greek mathematician and inventor who is said to have exclaimed "eureka" upon discovering a method for determining the volume of an irregular object.”

I’m sure we all know what Eureka means, but I want to highlight the power of this term in context to what I’m about to say next:

You need to have a Eureka moment in every single project you work on.

Let me explain:

AI Art pretty much changed the rules of the game.

It allows us to extend our reach faster and further then we ever could.

And with this change, this gift - comes also a change to the standards we must now hold ourselves to.

In a world where every 5 year old can blurt some letters on a keyboard and in return get an absolute masterpiece - the average person will have a much higher standard for what they consider beautiful / masterful.

This is where I introduce the idea of the Eureka Principle.

With every project I received for a client I found a recurring motive - I only managed to complete the project after I had some kind of a breakthrough.

I mean that.

Every. Single. Time.

Let me show you an example:

I was working on a project for a Casino.

They wanted an elegant fancy look to their imagery and I was making things I was mediocrely happy with:

I was trying to look for the connection.

Things came to my mind, like:

Casino, Poker, Luxury, Elegant, Wealth, esteemed etc.

But none of these words tied everything together in the way I was looking for.

What is the motive that I am looking for?

Then suddenly it hit me… As simple as day:

Gentlemen’s Club.

Yes! Perfect. Just by hearing the words in my head I already knew this project is done, sealed and ready to be wrapped up.

Or in simpler words:


Get used to this workflow.

This is how I start every project:

Understand the requirements —> Find my Eureka Moment —> Produce

Having a Eureka moment doesn’t necessarily mean you need to find the right wording, or the prompts.

It can come about in many different ways. Maybe a certain strategy or technique.

Maybe a specific artist name.

Maybe a certain person out their is doing exactly what you’re trying to do and you can ask them.

There’s not a specific answer - but the Eureka moment needs to happen - some way or another.

We have entered a golden era where the amount of brilliant ideas waiting to come into fruition are exponentially growing.

Don’t be afraid to believe that you can be the one who picks a new brilliant idea out of the tree.


B2 - The Maze


B4 - Various Tools