How to download a model:
click on this link and sign up to to download the Stable Diffusion 1.5 model
Creating a Huggingface account is 100% free.
Now click on “Files and Versions”
click on the file “v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt”
Once you’re here, click on Download.
Click on Connect and once it is, click on it again to open the resources window.
click on Learn More to purchase your “Compute Units”
Next step is to open go to your Google Drive account and create a folder called “AI”.
Inside this folder create 2 more and call them “models” and “StableDiffusion”
Place the “v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt” file inside the “models” folder
This is the folder where you are going to store all your StableDiffusion models
(yes, there’s a lot! You can download more from
This process is being automatized in the recent version of Deforum, but i highly encourage you to learn it for when you will wanna use costum models made by the community.
Also if you don’t have enough space to load a lot of models don’t worry, Deforum can store the model on a temporary space.
Next step is to click on this link to open the latest verion of Deforum Stable Diffusion (v0.7)
It’s just a “fancy” word for Google to convert your money in usage time.
Roughly, 100 compute units are 50hrs of connection.
Keep this in mind beacuse Google Colab is gonna start to count this time as soon as you connect!
On the Resources window you can now see how many “compute units” you have left, how many you consume in 1 hr and at what time you connected to colab.
Once you’re done with your session, click on Manage Sessions to open this window and terminate it
Click on open in colab to make sure you are on the latest version of Deforum
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